JUDDD Up Day (Goal 1500cals)
Weight - 238.8lbs (without bandages)
Mood - 8
Pain - 5
Exercise - Physical Therapy
Wow it felt really great not to have to wear bandages on the arm last night. I actually slept much better and was surprised to see my weight back in the 230's again. Finally. I slept without getting up and having a 2am snack, too. So that's even more good news!
Weight - 238.8lbs (without bandages)
Mood - 8
Pain - 5
Exercise - Physical Therapy
Wow it felt really great not to have to wear bandages on the arm last night. I actually slept much better and was surprised to see my weight back in the 230's again. Finally. I slept without getting up and having a 2am snack, too. So that's even more good news!