Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 21, 2012 - Tuesday - Fluffy Chix Low Carb Menus

Weight - 222.6lbs
JUDDD Day 9 - UD (Up Day - 1400-2043 cal range)

Nutrition Totals - 1326 Cals, 102.7gF, 39.4g Carbs, 12.3g Fiber, 66g P, 3g Alcohol (dry Sherry), 27.1g Net Carbs

Wake - 6:30am

Breakfast - 3c Decaff Coffee, unsweetened, black
Lunch (1pm) - 1/2 of a Half Kitchen Sink at Beck's (4oz Grilled Chuck, 1oz Swiss, 1oz Guac, 1/4c Mushrooms, 1/8c Sauteed Onions, 1c Shredded Romaine, 2 med slices Tomatoes, 1 Tbsp Mayo, 1 Tbsp Prime Sauce)
4 Sweet Potato Fries

Dinner (7pm) - 1 Grilled Asian Chicken Leg with Finishing Sauce (3oz Meat/Skin, cooked - Chicken Leg with homemade Asian Wing Sauce, 1 serving Finishing Sauce - garlic, butter, AWS)
1 Chopped Salad with House Vinaigrette (2c Romaine, 1/4 Cucumber, 1/8c Red Onion, 1/8c Red Bell Pepper, 1 1/2 Radish, 4 Grape Tomatoes, 1oz Blue Cheese, 3 Tbsp House Vinaigrette Dressing)

Bed - 11pm

Notes - Wow, you shoulda seen us last night. What gyrations we went through! But more about that in a minute! ;) *hehe* Just seein' if both of you are still readin' along with me!

Dr. Johnson was kind enough to send me a bit of information regarding circadian rhythm research, newly published this year, and as you know, I just finished a 3 week CRR (Circadian Rhythm Reset). Very interesting stuff about melatonin and inflammation/disease as well as melatonin and breast cancer.

We discussed low blue light atmosphere at night because the body is pre-programmed to metabolically perform based on 12 hours of light and 12 hours dark. But the problem in our world is that modern man has many light sources after sunset and most of those sources emit blue light (computers, tv, lights, display lights, signs, aquarium lights, etc).

The problem appears to exist in the blue light wavelengths. Exposure past 12 hours can disrupt your circadian rhythm and prevent you from producing melatonin, a hormone that helps regulate hundreds of metabolic gene sequences. (Yeah, I hear you over there...all two of you! ZzZZZzzzzZZZZZzzzZZZZzzz!)

But just let me say if you are over there napping during the day, chances are, you aren't sleeping soundly at night. And blue light exposure (especially during peak melatonin producting hours 10pm-12am, might be one of the culprits possibly robbing you of health and wealth! Mark talks about this over at Mark's Daily Apple.

Notice the abundant use of might and may and should! :D What do I know? Google it yourself! I'm just a fluffy chix who had breast cancer and loves to eat like nobody's beeswax (oh, AND who's lost 91.4 official pounds)! And I will grasp almost any straw, natural and possibly lab-inspired/created if that gives me even 1% of 1% better odds to survive with abundance and joy beyond 5 years - cuz my odds aren't so hot as they stand now.

So last night I ran around the house with my scissors, a cardboard lid and tape! Yes, you heard it here folks (or person)! I run with scissors! Denny and the boys simply sat by, watched, and remained very quiet and still. I cut and taped and sourced as many led displays and display panels and light sources as possible! I unplugged equipment. I covered windows with thumbtacks and beach towels. I was nutz! LOL! (Well, we already knew that one...)

Thanks to pals at LCF, Denny downloaded a program for his laptop screen that blocks blue light: The program is called f.lux and here's what Wiki has to say about it! As Mark says, "It's a complex subject but blue light exposure appears to be the low-hanging fruit and easily remedied."

Bottom line, the house was very dark. I felt like a bat. And sounds were amplified! :D Good times! I slept in dark sunglasses (not necessarily blue blockers, cuz they aren't), but they did cut down on outside light that comes in tall windows. And let's face it - the future's so bright, you gotta wear shades!

Dr. J. suggests buying blue blocking glasses that can even fit over other glasses. (Disclaimer: Neither he nor I have any pony in the show. We have no affiliation to the companies selling this stuff. I will say however, if it does help me lose weight, cut the inflammation and stay cancer-free? You can bet your sweet bippy I'm gonna find some way to sell these glasses on my webites! Cuz if they work, people need to have easy access to finding them!)

If you want me to send you a couple of studies about the CRR, just drop me an email and I will send those out to you. You can email me by going to the "Contact" tab on the home page, here.

Oh yeah, and my weight is still down at 222.6lbs today. I'm officially officially calling a 91lb loss to date! Yeeehawwwww! Slap my fanny and call me in for supper!


  1. Well this was a happy Chicken Scratch! Congrats on the official weight loss. And I might cover a few led lights myself!

    1. Hahaha! DeAnne! I do feel happy, upbeat and optimistic. Now remember, placebo effect is a very powerful variable! I just know, that I am managing to sleep longer intervals and that has to be beneficial in some manner, maybe yet to be seen! :D

      Try it and let me know! MUAH! Hugs to ya!


Fluffy Chix eat what??? Holy smokes! You can't eat that on low carb, can you? Thanks for joining Fluffy Chix Talk Chicken Scratch, the adventures in daily low carb nutrition and all the menus that go with it and maybe a picture or two! This is the daily Fluffy Chix Low Carb Menu Blog. Leave lots of comments and love, ya hear?!! Please share Fluffy Chix Cook with your friends!

November 26, 2012
Resumed Atkins Induction after surgery and recovery.

September 25, 2012

Bilateral Latissimus Dorsi Flap Resection for Stage IIIC Breast Cancer Reconstruction

September 19, 2012

Quit JUDDD and low carb to prepare for surgery.

August 13, 2012 -

Resumed JUDDD schedule while continuing with the Circadian Rhythm Schedule for eating and sleeping windows.

July 23 - August 12 -

I'm starting an n=1 pseudo-experiment today. It's based on experiments with Calorie Restriction and Food Restriction or Food Windows. I'm working with some guidance on this. The idea will be to reset my Circadian Rhythms.New research shows that Circadian Rhythm disruption influences inflammation and obesity as well as insulin sensitivity. These are all areas I'm desperate to address because fixing these areas could allow my body to heal. This could give me a better shot at remaining cancer free.

For the next 3 weeks, I must reset the Circadian Clock inside my body. To reset the CC (Circadian Clock) I need to discontinue JUDDD over the next 3 weeks and simply adhere to a feeding, sleeping and waking schedule. I will be adding a note section at the end of each day in order to evaluate status and moods.

Step 1: Eat a low carb diet without calorie restriction for the next 3 weeks without any type of calorie rotation.

Step 2: Eat all meals within an 8 hour feeding window - 11am - 7pm. Absolutely no eating after 7pm. Non-caloric liquids are allowed on demand.

Step 3: Adhere to a bedtime with total darkness at 11pm and wake time of 6:30am, every day.

Step 4: After 3 weeks I will resume JUDDD Rotations with a 20% Calorie Restriction on Down Days - 500 kcals, Up Days will allow up to 2340 kcals. The JUDDD Rotation will feature low carb nutrition. Continue to follow the FR (Food Restriction eating window, bedtime, and waking time.)

Step 5: After 2 weeks back on JUDDD Rotations, evaluate the ongoing weight loss level I feel comfortable in sustaining for the long term. I can go as high as a 50% restriction and still experience activation of the SIRT1 genes and asthma alleviation. Continue to follow the FR (Food Restriction eating window, bedtime, and waking time.)


JUDDD Plan -

What in the Sam-hill, cockamamie food plan are you following? That can't be low carb!! Well, you're right it isn't simply low carb. I follow a derivation of the Johnson's Alternate Day Diet. I tweaked the JUDDD diet, as it's called, into a low carb version.

I choose to follow this plan right now, because I am experiencing dramatic improvement on asthma symptoms, blood sugar control and weight loss.

More importantly, I also experienced a greater than 50% response rate in neo-adjuvant chemotherapy towards a high grade prolific ER+/PR+/Her2Neu- breast cancer and lost 45lbs during treatment - when most people in breast cancer treatment gain 10-20lbs. (KI-67 was 22% with 17mitotic bodies).

Sure, I'm a turtle. Weight loss is slow weight loss. But it's weight loss! Hope that helps bring you up to speed!

The JUDDD diet has quite a bit of testing behind it and is founded upon theories that alternate day caloric restriction activates the longevity gene, the SIRT1 gene.

Suggested side effects of the JUDDD Diet are greater blood sugar control, reduction of systemic inflammation, relief or improvement of asthma conditions, reduction in movement disorder brain dysfunction, and possible anti-cancer effects.

But! Key to remember, I'm an n=1, not a doctor, not a nutritionist, nor allied health practitioner and you MUST do your own research. I'm just a girl who had cancer and is dancing with NED at this point in time.